this is me about three years ago keeping it metal
Why hello Blogger. I forgot about you for a while and all I can say is meh, deal with it. A lot has happened in the past two years since I've last spoke with all of you, most of which I wont even tell you cause why do you want to know. There are probably about three people that actually read the silly things that I write anyway.
I've since left the state of Utah for a new start. A chance to be born again and really get my act together. It's taken me a long time to figure out the things that seem to come so easily to others but I'm doing my best and things have never looked so good or should I say promising. It's a complicated world and the times of the old are constantly being pushed out for the new.
I really need to use this more. Also I find it ironic that back when I was a kid it was embarrassing to have a diary if you were a boy, now we call it a blog and people won't shut up about them. "Did you read that one super awesome guy's blog?" "OMG it was so amazing, I think I peed a little." Before the age of the interwebs it was a disgrace to write down all your feelings and verbalize your emotions into a little leather bound book to remain hidden from the worlds harsh eyes, if you were a boy of course. Women can write diaries and nothing happens to them, who cares if a woman writes a diary?
You can dissect the internet millions of different ways. You can say that Al Gore invented it. You can say it's the information superhighway. You can call it a digital library filled with stupid peoples pictures, information, diaries, opinions, and my god people far too much pornography. There are more relevant things in life than human mating rituals, I don't know what they are but I'm sure they exist. My point being though is that no matter how you slice it an internet blog is a diary. A journal is a diary. A diary is a damn diary. I don't care if you wrote it on your fancy new Ipad or laptop, or if you write it by hand, a blog is still a diary.
Regardless about how I feel about blogs, journals, diaries, and hand written sob fests I present mine again to you now. I'll try my best to keep writing even though I'm sure no one is reading. If you are reading this, give me a sign you're alive. Also tell me how your diary is coming along. Good day citizens of where ever.
This is me now Slimmer sexier and all yours
it has been a while marty, sound like things are going well.
I must disagree with your claim. Not all blogs are a diary. By that logic, newspaper articles would be diaries. And I just don't think that's true.
Some blogs report news, sports, opinion. That's not a diary. A diary is someone writing about their feelings. For example, my current blog isn't my diary. I might sometimes write a post that's personal and more like a diary, but it's more like an op-ed piece in a newspaper generally. However, my old Myspace blog, that shit was a diary.
I just think you're being unfair to a lot of blogs. The Daily Kos is not a diary, although they do call what their members post diaries. Some of it is citizen journalism, and while many professional journalists hate that, it's an important part of a well informed citizenry.
In any event, whether it be a diary, ramblings of a crazy man, or a well constructed journalistic piece, I hope you keep writing.
Good day,
Fair enough Mr. Crippes. I was at first quite brash with my remarks concerning what I consider a blog. I haven't really noticed the growth and evolution of blogs throughout the years. I guess what I was referring to was the original blog as I believe it was intended to be a diary and started out as such. Now it seems that some blogs have changed to more an informative and educational content as well as the other direction of needless gossip and rumors. I hereby apologize to the blogs that don't deserve my harsh rhetoric and I should probably divulge in more research before making such a harsh claim. I will do my best not to let it happen again. Thank you for keeping me in check as so many are afraid to do, or should I say don't have the energy to put it so eloquently. You're a great man Crippes, you've always had my respect.
I live, I breathe, I read! Here is my "diary"
-Your friend Kelsey from Myspace who has never met you.
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