Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two Long years

this is me about three years ago keeping it metal

Why hello Blogger. I forgot about you for a while and all I can say is meh, deal with it. A lot has happened in the past two years since I've last spoke with all of you, most of which I wont even tell you cause why do you want to know. There are probably about three people that actually read the silly things that I write anyway.

I've since left the state of Utah for a new start. A chance to be born again and really get my act together. It's taken me a long time to figure out the things that seem to come so easily to others but I'm doing my best and things have never looked so good or should I say promising. It's a complicated world and the times of the old are constantly being pushed out for the new.

I really need to use this more. Also I find it ironic that back when I was a kid it was embarrassing to have a diary if you were a boy, now we call it a blog and people won't shut up about them. "Did you read that one super awesome guy's blog?" "OMG it was so amazing, I think I peed a little." Before the age of the interwebs it was a disgrace to write down all your feelings and verbalize your emotions into a little leather bound book to remain hidden from the worlds harsh eyes, if you were a boy of course. Women can write diaries and nothing happens to them, who cares if a woman writes a diary?

You can dissect the internet millions of different ways. You can say that Al Gore invented it. You can say it's the information superhighway. You can call it a digital library filled with stupid peoples pictures, information, diaries, opinions, and my god people far too much pornography. There are more relevant things in life than human mating rituals, I don't know what they are but I'm sure they exist. My point being though is that no matter how you slice it an internet blog is a diary. A journal is a diary. A diary is a damn diary. I don't care if you wrote it on your fancy new Ipad or laptop, or if you write it by hand, a blog is still a diary.

Regardless about how I feel about blogs, journals, diaries, and hand written sob fests I present mine again to you now. I'll try my best to keep writing even though I'm sure no one is reading. If you are reading this, give me a sign you're alive. Also tell me how your diary is coming along. Good day citizens of where ever.
This is me now Slimmer sexier and all yours